Rudy gay trade kings

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I don’t think they have the pieces to trade.” Houston has had some peripheral interest. Especially for a team so devoid of assets, they couldn’t let him walk for nothing. Ryan Anderson was pretty clear he was not going to re-sign there and they lost him for nothing. I don’t think the Kings can make the same mistake New Orleans made last year with Ryan Anderson. “The one player who is going to have to move between now and the trade deadline is Rudy Gay. In his latest podcast at The Vertical at Yahoo Sports, Adrian Wojnarowski broke it all down (hat tip Eye on Basketball). As the trade deadline nears in February, the Kings will have to make a call.Īround the league, other teams expect Gay to be moved. The idea the Kings will change his mind is fantasy.

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However, Gay has expressed a desire to leave, and if they don’t trade him before the deadline they will lose him this summer for nothing. Without Gay, the Kings’ second-leading scorer, they are not catching anyone. The Kings’ front office has held out hope their squad can get back in the playoff mix in the West, and the team is currently the nine seed, 2.5 games back of Portland. That Sacramento’s Rudy Gay could well get moved before the trade deadline is no secret.

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